The Vibrant Sensitive Quantum Teaching Circle

Join us!
In 2018Ā I dove deep into exploring my understanding of my deeper truths and accessing my soul-generated intuitions and came out with more confidence than Iā€™ve ever had.

And made Quantum leaps in my growth in many ways!

These leaps have not stopped.Ā The more I raise my frequency into integrity, truth and wisdom...the more I shift into timelines that I would never have been able to imagine...

During the last 12 years I have been on a journey of acquiring knowledge, tools and techniques that honestly....would help ME heal.Ā 

My journey has been a very personal one. Each new healing modality would give me more insights into ME, would release one more layer, would clear one more block, would bring me closer to my TRUE SELF.

I didn't start my energy healing training thinking that I would help others.

It was for my family and myself. Luckily, I have been blessed with a husband that at crucial moments, has had more confidence in me, than I had in myself. Which meant that he just started sending people my way!

And that is how I, next to my child psychology practice, opened up and energy healing practice and began sharing the gifts of healing with others.

My intention world opened up in 2007 when I read the Intention Experiment and I have been participating in intention experiments and Intention Masterclasses for years. I have trained in Touch of Matrix as my main energy healing modality and I have added Soul Body Fusion, NLP, Emmet technique and many Hypnotic techniques to my medicine bag. Qure Energetic Connections is also very aligned with my own gifts....I have enjoyed the teachings of Family Constellations, Spontaneous Transformation Techniques, the Sedona Method, the Power of 8 for Healers, Becoming a Better Healer by Lynne Mactaggart and within all that, truly...

Had the opportunityĀ to refine, experience and revel in my own healing gifts.


Because I will tell you one thing:

Ā All these tools and techniques mean nothing if you are not in tune with the gifts that are already in YOU.

All these magnificent modalities and techniques help you become more CONFIDENT in your own abilities. 

The more you do it, the more you practice, they confirm your insights, your inner knowings...

You get in touch with how YOU ALREADY ARE A HEALER.

And you will start creating your own mix of the tools and techniques that work for you.

That is why I don't have 'competition'. How I tap into my magic, is how I tap into my magic.

Nobody else in this world, taps into their magic the way I do. My magic is an ecclectic mix with a Karin seasoning!

And I want to guide you into the absolute knowing and owning of your magic.

By practicing modalities that will quickly align you to Source energy.

Modalities that create insights, awareness and shifts so quickly...that they are Quantum!

You do not need to be 'initiated' or 'certified'  to tap into the power that is already deep within you. Nobody is more powerful than you, right? 

I show up in the world in this belief.

A belief that empowers ME and  will empower YOU when you are ready to dive into the magic deep within you.

As a result, seriously astonishing and wondrous possibilities awaits you.

 You see, as you start becoming more confident in the deep knowing within you, there is an extraordinary opportunity to tap in even more.

You have a chance to discover some of the more evolved yet hidden pieces of what’s next, and expand into a quantum consciousness. 

I have learned that by moving through my Quantum Energy fields, there are some pretty unique and powerful new ways to gain even more access.

And this is your chance to connect much more to what you truly want in your life: your magic, your freedom, your joy! 

After years of acquiring knowledge and techniques and powerfully putting them into practice within myself and my clients...the moment came for me to start teaching!

For 6 months 5 powerful women joined me in my Quantum Teaching Circle. In these 6 months I taught as much as I could! It was amazing! Because you truly only realize how much you know when you start teaching it! Ha! That truly was a promise I made and kept! Because I love to teach all things Energy and I gave myself permission to come in and teach what my heart desired and what I felt will bring more power to your own magic.

Quantum Energy Healing

You will learn different quantum energy healing tools and techniques that were recorded during 2-3 hours teaching calls. This means that you can take your time to take on the content and do this at your own pace.

The first module that you will find includes fundamental healing journeys into YOU as a baseline for your learnings!

You will practice these modalities with friends, family and clients.


Personal mentoring

You can decide that you would like mentoring sessions as well as you go through the classes. 

A one-on-one tutoring and healing space with me!

If you right away start practicing with clients, you can use this as a supervision moment!

You can add 3 or 6 mentoring sessions to your programme. 

I can promise you that I will go as deep as you need to go during these (often 2-3 hour) sessions!

Healing Circle

The Healing Circle Library (€297) value will be included when you join! You immediately get access to a vast library of healing journey's on theme's like :

  • Tools and techniques to become a more Thriving Sensitive Person
  • Meditations to connect to Source/Universe/the Divine
  • Physical body healing 
  • Faith 
  • Play and Joy healing 
  • All the chakra's!
  • And more!

What will you find in the Quantum Teaching Hub?

The Fundamentals

The fundies include different ways on connecting to the Field, Healing journeys in Releasing the Pain Body and connecting to your Heart, Connecting to your Core and Connecting to your Intuition. 

YOU are the one channeling your YOU must get in touch with YOU!

The Modules

All types of Quantum Healing tools and techniques will be taught as you dive into them by accessing your own gifts. Their no 'one way' only your way. We will also be going through hypnotic techniques to enhance the experience AND...

You will have full access to my signature Pelvic Healing AND Ancestral Healing because I will be teaching you how to do them!

The Extra's

Bonuses include different hypnosis journeys, self healing tools and modalities and a few quantum practices to enhance your experience!

I also include information and exercises in Intention setting that will not only serve you, but everyone that you come in contact with! 

"I LOVE Karin Monster-Peters.. I think we must be soul sisters. Ever since I met her.. many moons ago at a Leigh Daniel event I knew we would be friends for life! An Aquarian, who are known to be big-hearted, visionay, rule-breakers.. and that is what she is an much, much more! This year I have invested in working with her, and it's been not just brilliant.. BUT PHENOMENALLY LIFE-CHANGING! I do not say this lightly. I have worked with a number of healers and even trained as a Reiki Master myself, and met the Reiki Grand Master, yes there is such a thing, but was forced out of the reiki world a few years ago now, and I am hugely grateful to be honest, which is whole other story, mostly about 'spiritual ego,' yes there is such a thing!! It's far behind me now, which is wonderful and there was so much gold I gleaned from that experience!! Now, thankfully I work on a different energetic level, thanks to working with Karin Monster-Peters most of this year! LOVE HER! I have been blown away I have been by her insights, her professionalism, her generosity, her mind, her heart and her soul! I honestly, cannot recommend her enough, especially to those of you who are a little bit okay VERY sensitive Like me.. taking things to heart at times, or feeling so deeply you find it hard to move on or forward- yup. that's me too, you are not alone!! She has taughted me how to process my emotions, my thoughts and my energy and my experiences on a whole other levels with new quatum healing techniques, no not EFT, that I had never heard of and through her amazing example! So many things now make sense now having worked with her. I feel deeply at home in my own soul now thanks to the work that I have been doing and have done with her. Her facilitation has been well legendary! So much depth!"

Carrie Eddins
PR Coach

"Highly recommend working with Karin. I have spent $1000+ per month on coaches and ended up getting more value from their free stuff than the paid program I was in. This is not the way with Karin you get the very best from her throughout the whole programme and the support is outstanding. Being part of the learning and development community is also hugely beneficial as you are sharing your journey with others, forging new relationships and growing together ā¯¤ļø¸"

Gemma Naomi Purnell
Intuitive Business Coach

"It's safe to say that working with Karin has changed my life on a personal and business level. My first experience was a solar plexus healing. After that I had some transforming one on one sessions where we did a healing of the female ancestral line. I joined the Healing Circle mid 2018 and loved all the inspiration, intention sessions and guided healings/meditations. It gave me focus and support. In the beginning of 2019 I joined the Quantum Teaching Circle to learn more about all the different healing modalities Karin uses. Her guidance and teachings has proven to be life changing. I feel more confident expressing myself and exploring my own creativity. If you ever feel that you need support, guidance or someone holding space for you to work trough your own stuff than Karin is your woman. I totally recommend working with her and the programs that she offers. "

Susanne Braam
Intuitive Artist and Healer

Who is hiding deep within you?

This opportunity is for you when you are a healer/counselor/coach/teacher and you are ready to explore different paths into powerful healing.

Do you sometimes feel that this is a part of you that you haven't explored?

That there is a 'knowing' deep within you but you feel a bit hesitant to acess it alone?

Or that your inner witch is yearning to come out to play?

This is your chance to come out of the healer's closet, learn powerful tools and techniques AND embrace all that is you!

Are you ready?

You can start right away with this self paced course! For only ā‚¬997 you can sign up for the Quantum Teaching Hub! As soon as you sign up you will have access to all the Modules. When you wish to do so, you can add mentoring sessions to your programme right away!


50% Complete

Two Step

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