The Passion Test

€297,00 EUR

"When you are clear, what you want will show up in your life, and only to the extent that you are clear." -Janet Br...

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Pelvic Clearing

€497,00 EUR

Throughout my years of healing work, I've learned that the human body is amazing and complex.  It is a vessel which ...

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€247,00 EUR

Your High Sensitivity impacts all aspects of your life... And it can leave you drained and exhausted... But I can t...

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Positive (Self-) Parenting Through Divorce

€125,00 EUR

"How do I maintain a good relationship with my children while co-parenting?" "I am struggling with creating a new li...

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Quantum Family System Healing

€497,00 EUR

Whether you want it or not, your family of origin is the most important system of which you are a part of. We are tr...

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Soul Body Fusion

€297,00 EUR

   What would it be like to live your soul’s full potential? To feel more fully grounded and at-one with your body a...

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Hypnosis and Coaching for pre-teens, teens and young adults

€797,00 EUR

I use all type of techniques in my work with children, teens and adults. I am a trained child psychologist and have b...

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The Fully Expressed Life

€897,00 EUR

This programme is for you is when you are ready to stop hiding…when there is a little voice inside of you saying: “co...

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Clearing and Cleansing into the Future

€147,00 EUR

Something big has been brewing inside of me for the last couple of months (Actually…it’s been a bit longer than that...

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Energy System Reading

€197,00 EUR

Did you know that behind your dis-ease, pain and overwhelm there is usually a theme playing out for you? That our bod...

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Activate Your Soul Force Workshop

€97,00 EUR

  Do you finally want to step out of overwhelm and just START doing what you KNOW you need to do? Are you ready to ...

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50% Complete

Two Step

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